Global Medical Training
"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity." - Hippocrates

From our International Director
In 2008, I was anxiously waiting for my first experience with GMT to begin.
A friend had invited me to participate in the clinics here in Panama. I offered to help take them to an area in the center of our country. We had organized visits to communities where the people have struggle really hard to make a living, but are sturdy and make you instantly fall in love with them. Honest, hardworking folks that try to do their best to keep on and take care of...
GMT in Times of COVID
We salute, admire, love, and respect the medical staff across our beautiful planet that has been leading the fight against the covid-19 pandemic. We’ve seen and heard them informing and guiding us, running down hospital corridors, feverishly working to save people in icu's. We want so dearly to follow their example and are willing to do what the medical situation calls for. In all of our GMT chapters we have you, organizing, meeting, sharing insights and experiences, developing into simple folk who have won knowledge in their brains and fire in their hearts ....
Our Objectives
To provide students with a first-hand experience of cultural, social, historical, and political life in these regions. We will discuss and integrate this into the medical process with our patients. Many issues will be discussed, e.g. the relationship of poverty, education, and Public Health to illness and well-being.
To provide, as a team, free Medical and Dental healthcare services, and free medicines to the needy in Latin America.

Medical, Pre-Medical, Dental and Pre-Dental students, as well as all other future professionals, will best maximize their potential by globalizing the vision they have of their careers and lives. This means that they must expose themselves to other ways of living, working, and providing health care in contrast to that in their own societies. It is ideal to do this within the intimate milieu of other cultures. Applying what they learn to that which they face as students, medical professionals, and informed adults can contribute greatly to their development as excellent healthcare providers and caring, service-oriented human beings.
We don’t screen applicants based on their academic background or experience. Our participants are intelligent, self-selected individuals who have the desire to serve, learn about medicine and other cultures. You may join us as part of a group or as an. individual applicant. No Spanish language skills are required.